4 June

News From Blog Headquarters? Upgrading Free Blog Delivery, Sign Up! It’s Free And Improved.

by Jon Katz

Good morning; this is a message for the people who signed up to get my blog every day, a free service I’m spending some money to upgrade.

Every morning, about 3,000 of you receive the blog in the form of opening paragraphs of blog posts.

To read the whole post, you have to go to the blog. I have recently learned that the blog goes to a number of people who don’t get Internet and don’t have smartphone access, which the blog is now set up for.

This sign-up mailing is free and will remain so. But it’s time for me to upgrade as the number of subscribers is growing.

It bothers me to think of some people getting inferior delivery, so I’ve signed up for what they call a “premium” delivery system.

. Starting next week, anyone who subscribes daily via e-mail will receive every blog post whole. This service will remain free. Just look for the E-mail Signup at the bottom of every Farm Journal Page.

While I’m at it, I’d like to remind newcomers to the blog – there are a lot this year – that’s is very easy to get the full blog delivered for free every morning to your inbox.

This service is free, and it’s the best and easiest way not to miss any of the blogs posts if you care about that.

Go to the very bottom of the Farm Journal Page (www.bedlamfarm.com) and enter your e-mail and then confirm the request.

We do the rest.

The blog is free to anyone who wants to read it and will remain so, whether you support my work or donate or not.

If you choose to “support my blog,” you will have a choice of three different kinds of support. You can choose to send monthly payments of $5, $10, or $75 once a year.

This support enables me to maintain and grow my blog and do my writing and photo-taking. I don’t get royalty checks and advances any longer.

You can also choose one-time donations.

These support the blog, its maintenance, and the constant need for upgrading. They also support my photography, which is free for anyone to use.

I don’t think copyright or bookmark my pictures; I see them as angels sailing out into space to find their way.

If you want to support my work and my blog, I’d be grateful. But even if you don’t, I’m pushing to get to 5,000 subscribers and then 10,000.

I’ve never tried to do that; it’s about time.

The blog now gets about four million hits a year, so there’s plenty of room to grow my free subscription list.

You can cancel this free service anytime. You can also cancel the financial support at any time.

On my end, the blog is getting more exciting and meaningful all the time. I love writing about dogs and animals, but I also love branching out as well.

My writing about politics once in a while and the Amish regularly and spirituality often and the farm and the life here and the Army Of Good has brought a lot of new people to bedlamfarm.com, and they are staying.

It seems there is something new just about every day. I love my blog very much and work hard at it; I consider it my living memoir.

Please consider the free e-mail sign-up. You can read or ignore whatever you wish, but you won’t miss a thing.  And it will always be free.



  1. I really like your Amish hat, it looks good on you. I access your blog with my kindle and sometimes computer and just have it bookmarked; will that no longer work? I tried to click on your free sign up, but it would not let me put my information (email) in. Could you give me some pointers?

  2. What an awesome pic of you!!! I love that you are finally including yourself in your photos!

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