4 June

Julie Visiting Memory Care. She Needs Support, So Do Some Others

by Jon Katz

My friend Julie visited Memory Care today, and the aides say she is very happy to see it and loves the rooms.

I’m going to visit her this afternoon, just before a “Jon Katz Day” Celebration is scheduled for the Mansion this afternoon. I think Julie will be there.

That’s all I know about Jon Katz day.

Julie is special to me, and to some of you. She will need continuing support. Apart from clothes and necessities, I’d like to get her some special games and tools designed just for those in memory care.

She came to the Mansion during the pandemic and I only met her a few weeks ago. She needed clothes, shoes, pants, personal items, and cross-stitching equipment.

She will need some help throughout the Fall and beyond.

I’ve identified six Mansion residents who are new to me and who need some varying kinds of regular support – clothes, shoes, shaving equipment, deodorants, body wash, bras, and underwear.

The help they need is mostly small stuff, but it matters to them.

If you can, please support the Mansion Fund, You can donate via Paypal, jon@bedlamfarm.com, or Venmo, jon@bedlamfarm.com or by check Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

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