13 May

The Mansion: The Man With No Clothes Has Clothes. And Shoes

by Jon Katz

Zinnia and I went to the Mansion this morning for my weekly meditation class, which was deep and rich, and beautiful.

One of the residents couldn’t understand what was happening, she kept on talking right through the silent meditation. All of us remained silent and meditated quietly. There was something beautiful and accepting about it.

None tried to shush or silence her.

I think we all found peace this morning.

On the way out, we ran into the Man Who Had No Clothes, and I was happy to see him wearing the pants, shirt, and shoes (good sneakers) we got him.  Thank you.

He is comfortable and happy. He was crazy about Zinnia, who is developing beautifully as a therapy dog. She went right to him.

I’ll make a note to check in with him in September.

Today more requests but fairly simple ones:

Ruth needs more bubble gum.

Nancy needs shorts for the warm weather.

Julie, the Activity Director, needs four bags of manure for the Mansion garden, planting getting underway.

I’m off to find the manure bags this afternoon.


  1. beautiful photo, Jon! The man with no clothes now has clothes and shoes……….. what a handsome man he is, too. Beautifully trimmed beard and full head of gorgeous white hair……….. Zinnia is obviously taken with him! Lovely shot. I hope you may come to know him better as time progresses. He is certainly photogenic!

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