6 May

Update, Army Of Good: Small Acts Of Great Kindness: Medicine And PPE Carts, Room Dining Trays, Bracelets Of A Gravely Ill Amish Child

by Jon Katz

Today, a full day of good.

I went to bring books to the family of Moise’s brother Harvey, who lives with his family on the other side of town. I was admiring some bracelets he had, thinking the Mansion aides might like them and Harvey told me the story of their creator.

She is, he said an Amish girl from far upstate New York, she is terminally ill and he sells the bracelets she makes. He has known her for years, and she is almost a part of their family. They write often to one another and when she is able, she ships her bracelets down here for him to sell.

He had 15 left – they cost $1.50 apiece –  I took three for myself and bought the others for the Mansion aides – some had stopped by and loved the bracelets. That was all he had, and Harvey said he was going to write her and ask if she could make more if she is able.

I like these bracelets, they have a lot of feeling for me.

If she sends a lot, I might buy them and find a way to help sell them and use the money for our good works. He is not sure she will be able to make any more.

Tania, Mansion aides messaged me to ask if I could help them get rolling medicine and PPE carts, all year the aides rush back and forth with medications and other resident needs, they desperately need rolling carts to store the things they need to bring the residents.

This will save them a huge amount of moving back and forth. and also be a godsend if they should be quarantined again. I just never noticed how many times they have to run back and forth to the supply room.

Tania asked for 10 carts, and I bought ten of these on Amazon. They are arriving at the Mansion tomorrow. They cost about $500 altogether, five for the Mansion, five for the Memory Care Unit.

I have the funds and don’t need more for this.

Tania also relayed a request for help in purchasing portable trays so the residents can have food and drink in their rooms if they are feeling poorly or just aren’t up to going to the dining area.

Because of Covid-19, the residents eat much more often in their rooms. These can be folded away when not in use.

These are more expensive than the plastic rolling carts – $47 a piece in the size we need, not $17 – so I bought five and hope to add to them when I can. There are 44 resident rooms in the Mansion.

I’ll do it slowly over the next year. I’m not requesting any support. I’ll get them two or three at a time when I can.

So this is not a request for money, but an update. I want you all to know what I am doing. One way or another, I either photograph or write about every good thing we do. We’ve done a lot of good this month.

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