6 May

Sweet Revenge! The Wake-Up Squad Turns On Its Creator

by Jon Katz

Maria overslept for once (last night was Belly Dancing Night), and I seized the moment. I crept downstairs, got all the dogs together at the foot of the stairs.

The dogs love their wake-up duties; as soon as they are out of the crates, they ear upstairs, happy to jump on me or anyone in bed. I set them rushing up the stairs and climbed up after them.

They were only too happy to leap on their creator, much like the monster and Dr.  Frankenstein.

I heard the screams and laughter well before I got there, but they still took turns licking her face and digging their noses into the sheets.

I think Maria loves it; once she gets over the shock they were all cuddling and happy.

She started to get up before they had a chance to return.

I said, “let’s go eat,” and they all leaped off the bed and thundered downstairs. Revenge is sweet, and our three working dogs are delighted with their new morning task. They usually get to wake somebody up!


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