5 May

Fate Loves The New Quilt, Maria’s Biggest Ever

by Jon Katz

Fate is usually quite good about staying away from Maria’s quilts, but as Maria finished her Pink Moon Quilt, the biggest one she has ever made, Fate popped up to join in the celebration as Maria finished tacking it.

Fate knows how to do cute. She and Maria have bonded big-time. The quilt was sold before it was finished.



  1. Jon, Thank You for posting this Most Precious Picture! Fate is a Treasure, for sure! Kimberly

  2. The picture of Fate is very sweet. To me it’s as though Fate has become a part of the quilt.
    I realize that Maria is just in a comfortable position while tacking her quilt but the picture to me personally
    feels it has a spiritual aspect to it. The two pictures together speak to me of the bonding circle of the quilting process between Maria, her artistic flame and Fate.

  3. Those photos are wonderful! Especially the one of Fate! On another tangent, how do you pronounce the name Moise?? Like boys? ?‍♀️

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