29 April

The Mansion Residents Thank You For Their Beautiful Garden

by Jon Katz

When I went to the Mansion this morning for my weekly meditation class, five or six residents asked me to thank you – the Army Of Good – for buying out their wish list a month ago; it requested seeds, pots, pans, and garden tools.

The list was sold out almost instantly. I saw these flowers growing in the activity room, where they check them and water the flowers at least twice a day.

I can’t emphasize enough the power of color and flowers to brighten their rooms, the Mansion, and their lives. Thank you once more for supporting our Mansion work; it makes a greater difference than you might imagine.

Because of your generosity, they will be ready to plant their flowers in just a couple of weeks. The gardens light up their souls and spirits.

Thanks also to Julie, the Mansion Activity Director, for keeping such a close eye on these young plants.


  1. there are two Great Pyrenees rescue groups of which I am aware in the Dallas Ft Worth Texas area. Apparently there are many in need here, They are both on Facebook. They are Saving Pyrenees In Need and Great Pyrenees Rescue Society. Both groups do great work.

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