27 April

Today, I Canceled The Radio Show. I Couldn’t Make It Work

by Jon Katz

Today, I canceled our young radio show “Katz And Wulf On Animals.” It was my decision, but I leaned heavily on people I trust – Maria, a therapist, a colleague from my time in television, a friend in radio.

They all agreed with me. I believe in openness and authenticity, especially on the blog, but I don’t ever use it to speak for others or blame them for my mistakes.

I won’t lie either. There were some rough conflicts. And it was a big disappointment for me.

We had some differences we were struggling to resolve, but I realized, slowly and painfully and in lurching steps, that this wasn’t going to work the way I wanted it to work and needed it to justify the time and effort.

I did try.

I am deeply grateful to those of you who chose to support me, as always. I thank you and am sorry it didn’t work out the way we hoped.

WBTN is a Community Radio station fighting valiantly for its future and with bright and committed people. We were just not in sync the way one needs to broadcast that work, especially in times of such great media upheaval.

Ironically, as I get older, I get busier.

The blog is ever important to me, as is the farm and my photography, the Mansion, and Bishop Maginn High School. The arrival of the Amish in my neighborhood has also been a gift to me; my head is full of good things to write about.

All of this has greatly – and happily – pushed up my workload. I’m not interested in retiring. To commit to a project like this, one has to be fully committed.

Maria and I plan to get serious about our podcast, which has grown in popularity and needs regular attention. In one sense, it is the broadcast I have wanted to do, and with the person, I want to do it with.

Starting this Sunday, the podcast will be weekly.

The winding down of the pandemic has brought all of this important work back to me, and I have more things to share than I have time to share.

I have no criticism of the station to report, and you won’t hear me saying a bad word about them.  There is a lot of energy and strength in that place, if anybody call pull it off, they can.

I did love many moments of that show, and I will miss it, for sure. But there isn’t too much time for that, and I’m not keen on looking back.

I’m responsible for the decision to quit, and I take responsibility for it. Sometimes no one is to blame; it just isn’t a good fit. I believe this is one of those times.

No one is responsible for me but me. I’m with Winston Churchill: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

In my mind, real failure comes from never trying.

This is my third shot at hosting a thoughtful broadcast about animals, and I suspect it will be my last.  Some things are not meant to be.

I called Cynthis Daniello and several other people who supported this broadcast by calling regularly; I wanted them to hear it from me. I admire Cynthia as much or more as I have admired anyone.

A gift of the broadcast has been to renew our friendship.

Cynthia told me high up on her bucket list is for the two of us to shake hands one day. Maybe we can make that happen.

Thanks again for your support. You can check out our podcast here.


  1. Yea, I love listening to your podcasts. I put in my earbuds, grab my knitting, and sit back to enjoy. You and Maria offer interesting and thought provoking insights on a wide variety of topics. Sorry to hear your radio show wasn’t a good fit.

  2. I am sorry to hear that you cancelled the show. but I understand you have to do what is best for you.. I really enjoyed talking to you. As always, I will continue to follow you in other ways. All the best to you and Maria.

    Ann, the lady with the two Goldens

    1. Thanks Ann, I hope we stay in touch. You were a very valuable asset to the broadcast and I appreciate it.

  3. I am sorry the radio show didn’t work out. I looked forward to it each week, from California in real time.. I couldn’t call in because there was no 800 number, and I use a landline. I found your and Maria’s input very heart-full and astute. I will try the podcast next. I have questions about dogs and barking and wanted to hear more. Will you address that on the podcast? Best wishes to you….

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