25 April

Thanks For Buying Out The Bishop Maginn Wish List Senior Banquet. Once Again We Did It, Zinnia Has Been Named Prom Queen

by Jon Katz

Friday evening and Saturday morning, we sold out the Amazon Bishop Maginn Senior Banquet Wish list, making it possible for these remarkable people to say goodbye to each other at the end of a grindingly difficult year, to gather for one final celebration before leaving their educational womb and heading out into the world.

They have been on an extraordinary journey together, teachers and students together. They wanted so badly to get together one last time and celebrate. Now they will.

We sold out the list in just about 24 hours, purchasing $800 of favors, gifts, silverware, napkins, balloons, etc. Thanks to the saintly Sue Silverstein for putting together this list.

Thanks to Principal Mike Tolan for letting us help.

And many thanks to Kathleen, who is buying each one of the graduates their own leather journal to take with them to college, where every single graduate is going, a triumph for all seniors, but especially the amazing hard-working, refugee kids who overcame a lifetime of obstacles to enter the gates of the American dream officially.

They have encountered unimaginable sadness, loss, cruelty, horror, lost years and so many other obstacles. They overcame them all.

Maria and I are going to the banquet on June 11 at Bishop Maginn, and on the Wish List was a crown for Zinnia, chosen by the class to be the Prom Queen of the Bishop Maginn Senior Class.

I can’t wait. This banquet would not have happened with the big hearts of the Army Of Good; the class did not have the funds. You made it possible, and the angels will sing your praises for that.

The students and teachers were dreading not having any ceremony. You gave it to them. Thanks. All of the items are being shipped directly to the high school.

We introduced the Wish List idea to our work several years ago, and it has been a roaring success. The good people who read this blog have never failed to buy each out, from the score of lists from the Mansion to the dozen or so more from Bishop Maginn.

I am so blessed; you never let me down, you never let these kids down. You made a staggering difference in their lives, from gift food cards to school supplies to Covid-19 safety gear to art supplies to digital cameras to laptops so even the poorest kids could learn virtually.

I don’t really have the words to say how important it was to these children that they get to celebrate their four years at this refuge, this place of safety, love, learning, and support. To me, Bishop Maginn is a holy place; the spirit of faith and Christ live her every day.

They do such remarkable work. They fill up brains and save lives. I’ll report back from the Banquet. Maria is coming too.

All I can say is thank you, thank you.


  1. I love Mr. Katz writing about his new chicks and how they are being socialized. Chickens are more intelligent than one would believe. I also loved the story that a commenter wrote. It is quite amazing how smart her parents chicken was.

  2. This is the sweetest, most uplifting post I have seen for a long while. Thank you and please give that Prom Queen a big hug from me!

  3. I just love that Zinnia is the prom Queen! Thanks for all you do and letting us help it feels good to do good

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