11 April

Revenge! The Wake-Up Squad Turns On Maria

by Jon Katz

I bided my time and had my revenge on Maria this morning for all the times she sics the dogs on me. I got up a few minutes before her for a change, and I was making plans all the way downstairs.

I let the dogs in and quietly got them to the foot of the stairs (I had left the bedroom door open) and then said “go wake up Maria!” They knew exactly what I was planning and charged up the stairs and leaped into bed, as they love to do with me.

I heard the screams of surprise, and then delight as they had their joyous reunion.

Maria loved it, of course, and until I shouted “revenge,” she didn’t quite get it. Then she remembered, and rushed down the stairs and into the shower before I could get into the bathroom.

My dogs are fun, I swear they all have a wicked sense of humor.

It was a sweet moment and the dogs are just as delighted to jump on her as me. I suspect she will retaliate.


  1. And psychologists say that ‘…..play is essential to the development of children and youth..’ (cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being). I say it’s essential at ANY age! Good on ya!

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