10 April

Robin: Free At Last. Out Into The World. Good Luck, Pal.

by Jon Katz

Robin is free at last, sent out into the world to make his way. He was butted five times by Liam and some of the other sheep, chased twice by the donkeys, but by day’s end, his hazing seemed to be ending.

Robin is drinking water and eating grass and also getting some milk from his not-so-diligent mother.

It is very good to see him out into the world. A number of sheep people expressed their dismay and disapproval at our keeping him penned up with his mother. The Yentas are vigilant.

None of them, I suspect, have donkeys in residence who often greet lambs by chasing them or stomping them, even killing them.

They see them as intruders. Once they figure out they live here, they will protect them.

Simon broke two of Liam’s ribs when he first came out. So yes, we keep them sheltered for a while.

Robin will get some challenges and butting from the other sheep for a few days, but the donkeys have accepted him and he needs to get out and take his chances, like the rest of us.

Robin is something of a Spring miracle to us, it’s nice to see him free. Good luck out there, pal.


  1. I have noticed the preponderance of Yentas on your blog. You do quite well in keeping them at bay I think.
    I try not to be one with people even when I think I know what they should do.
    In 12 step programs they suggest not giving unsolicited advice. I try hard to remember that.
    Robin is quite the good looking lamb.
    Glad to see him out exploring

    1. I grew up with Yentas, I suspect I’m a yenta magnet..but everyone who writes regularly online attracts them, not just me..

  2. Robin looks like a very sturdy little guy! I’m sure he’ll survive being hazed a bit. What a lovely spring miracle!

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