“All will be fine in the end, and if all is not fine, it is not the end…” — the Dalai Lama.
Monday always has a kind of into-the-whirlwind feel for me, especially right after a holiday. The weather this morning has lifted me up. I’m seeding my new garden bed.
Our weekend was full of love, peace, and solitude.
The wind is blowing the clothesline this morning. The temperatures are heading for the ’60s, and while I never trust March, April is my friend.
I’m thinking that all will be fine in the end, and if all is not fine, it is not the end.
I always love your photos of the colorful laundry blowing in the breeze!
When I was young and living with my then husband in the L.A. area, there was a radio show we sometimes listened to. I don’t remember the station, nor the fellows’ names, but I DO remember a little thing they used to say. They had an acronym… EGBOK. Everthing’s Gonna Be O K. Over the years my ex and I would say that to each other in times of distress. Even now, living thousands of miles apart, we still support each other in hard times with this little saying.
Julian of Norwich: “All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.”