1 April

My Window, In The Rain

by Jon Katz

It’s raining heavily this morning, and the dogs didn’t bark and I didn’t hear the warning clip-clop, I was writing and grabbed the camera and got off only one shot as the Miller’s Amish horse came trotting by.

Weather does not stop them. I love the strong, focused gait of their horses, in ice, snow, sun, and rain.

I love what this Amish family has done for my window as I start writing. Today I’m heading into Saratoga Springs for the final check on my troubled foot, which has healed beautifully (I think.)

After that Maria and I are getting our first pedicure treatments ever, alone or together. A lot of men have messaged me urging me to do it, that surprises me, so I’ll try it.

My feet need some regular care. I love scrambling to take these photos, each one is lovely and inspiring in its own way, and the image never is tiring for me. I am grateful to my Amish neighbors for being here, they have enriched my lives in many ways (including amazing blueberry pie.)

I have some more books to deliver to the other Amish families and their children.


  1. The boxcar children books are excellent reads for the young. I can tell by your posts that you and the children are really enjoying this.

    1. I am, Marsha, I love doing this they are so receptive and appreciate it’s just a joy….they especially love the Boxcar books..

  2. Good for you and Maria getting a pedicure together!! I’ve never had one, but I hear they’re wonderful. A friend of mine’s husband has that on his list to do once two weeks elapses after his second Covid vaccine shot.

    I just got my first book of yours (have followed your blogs but not read your books)…Second Chance Dog. I started it and am going to have a hard time to pull myself away so I can finish my book group reading for the week (Rise to Rebellion by Jeff Shaara). But I can’t wait to dive in…I know I’m going to like it.

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