23 March

The Wake-Up Squad In The Shower: Chased Outdoors

by Jon Katz

You haven’t really lived until a big Yellow Lab you don’t know is there sticks her nose on your butt while you are taking a shower.

I got up early, cackling over the idea I would foil Maria’s Wake-Up Goons. If they charged upstairs, they would only find an empty bed.

I realize now that they have become master door openers, although I haven’t figured out how they do it. They don’t need Maria any longer. I might have to get even with her, she sleeps a lot more than I do.

Zinnia found me in the bathroom and the other two followed suit.

But being the only Lab, the others didn’t relish sticking their heads under all that water. I jumped about three feet in the air when I felt that wet nose on my rear.

I shrieked and they fled, I chased them out to the pantry and opened the rear door, and they fled outside. When I recovered my dignity and got dressed, I came out to throw the ball for Zinnia and “scold” the squad.

They were sitting in formation looking happy and satisfied, so I forget the scolding and got on with my life. God knows what they will think of next. Maybe I need a bigger and thicker door with locks for the bedroom.


  1. Jon, you always give me a good laugh and this “incident” reminded me of experiences with our first and only dog, Belle, a very large Saint Bernard. In the hot weather I would hose Belle down on the driveway and she’d love that. I would then towel dry her in the warm wind. But, when it was cold, I didn’t want her to catch cold so I’d bring her in the house to clean her off. Our house in Virginia was built on a hill with a walk-out basement and a sliding patio door so I’d walk her into the large basement bathroom double walk-in shower! This route avoided the stairs to the basement which she was a little uncertain of. Then, I’d take my clothes off and go in the shower with her, knowing full well I’d be soaked by the end of the process anyway. It was her Spa Day! I’d lather her up all over with her mild dog soap reaching every nook and cranny, then dry her off with towels and finish with my hair dryer on both of us. Bliss! She loved it! A couple of hours later we’d both be clean, dry, and ready for the outdoors again! She was a sweetheart who lived to the ripe old age of 11.

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