22 March

The Wake-Up Squad Goes Rogue

by Jon Katz

I got lax while staying at the inn over the weekend, and slept late. This morning, I didn’t hear the dogs thundering up the stairs, the door just crashed open.

Maria wasn’t even in the house, she had gone outside to check on the sheep and Robin. The dogs managed to nudge open the door to the upstairs and then pushed open the bedroom door.

They were very pleased with themselves when they landed on top of me, licking and barking and in Zinnia’s case, dropping a bone on my chest.

I admit to loving these happy and loving dogs, sweet creatures all three. They LOVE their new chore of waking me up, they no longer need Maria to give them instructions.

The Wake-up Squad has gone rogue.

It’s part of the routine, God help me. They love giving ME orders. Bud got so excited he put his paw on Fate’s head, something few dogs could get away with.


  1. This is the cutest, funniest one yet! That little Bud is so adorable. They all are, but I wonder what was in Bud’s mind to make him try to cover Fate’s eyes! Too cute! I sure hated getting to the end of the Jon Katz dog books, but I think I have read them all now. Time to start over reading them.

  2. I love this pictures of the dogs waking you up. Bud’s paw covering Fates eyes is so cute, I agree with Charlotte. I am so please to be able to read your blog Jon as I to have read all your books and enjoyed each one also. thank you for your thought provoking topics:)

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