22 March

New Potholder: Robin On A Hay Bale

by Jon Katz

Around here, there is little space between life and art. Maria had that “I’m somewhere else look” soon after we came in from the morning chores.

She had this flash: she would go out into the barn and watch Robin for a while and sketch him and then make some “Robin On A Hay Bale.”

She said she is almost finished, she wants to do a little work on the hay bale.  I could tell she had great fun working on this piece.

Her potholders will be offered for sale on her Etsy Studio page when they are finished, if someone wants to buy one now, you can contact her at [email protected].

You can also follow the progress of the piece on her blog. I don’t know what she will be charging for these potholders, or how many she will be making.

I think they’ll be on sale pretty soon.

I love scooping her on her work.

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