14 March

Next Weekend, A Vacation From Us, Maria And I Are Drooling

by Jon Katz

Next weekend, Maria are going away for a weekend to rest, sleep, love, and read. Maybe eat, too. We are going to our favorite inn in Vermont.  The pandemic inn rates have been especially kind to us.

Maria is exhausted, and so am I.

Mostly, I think I’m just sick of me. It’s been an intense and fascinating year, but it did wear me down. Three surgeries – four, counting my food (a small surgery, if that.)

This week, I’m moving forward.

Monday, I hope to get this boot off of my foot and get back to wearing normal shoes. On Wednesday, I expect to pick up my car in an auto body shop for more than a month since my accident in February when I slid off the icy road and into a ravine.

Tuesday or Wednesday, I begin my kickass hour-long workouts at my gym. No more dawdling around, listening to audiobooks of John Le Carre. Time to give my heart a good workout. I think it is ready and I am ready.

I miss my hybrid SUV very much and have sorry to have dinged it all up. It is quiet, big enough for my head not to scrape the door and just the right care for me.

I don’t care for any of the rental cars; they smell funny and have no character. On the other hand, the insurance company paid for the whole month.

And then, at the end of the week, we take off. It’s been a long time. A few days after we return, I get my second vaccine. Liberation looms.

I think the final straw was the wave after waves of busybodies warning me about the Amish, telling me about lambs and sheep, and critiquing the books I somewhat daringly showed I was bringing to the Amish kids, and doubting the sincerity and kindness of the Amish people.

My writings about the Amish and the lamb seemed to light them up. Their motto is that no statement or observation can be left to live, no error unnoticed, no truth left in peace.

The number of scolds and yentas and busybodies is eternal, and they flock to social media like snowbirds to Florida.

I am but a bug in the face of a Buffalo stampede when it comes to the people lining up to suggest that what I am doing is wrong and that what I know is very insignificant.

Not to mention typos and errors and my usual mistakes.

I am grateful for my ego; it seems able to withstand social media’s worst and plow on. I feel like my head is a blimp. I thank my Dyslexia for this. Either you bounce back and plow on or sink.

We are becoming a nation of copy editors and nit-pickers, two clans I have never gotten on well with. I have never corrected anyone online for anything. I try to take care of my own shit. What is wrong with me?

I am especially wary of messages which begin, “I have raised sheep for 40 years, and there is something wrong with Robin’s legs.” Or “I have raised sheep for 40 years, and Laurie is eating too much and is starving,” or “I doubt that you know this, but some Amish families contain puppy mills to spend money,” or “I’m sure you don’t know this, but the Amish shoot their horses in the head when they get old,” or “You had best be careful of the Amish books you are picking out. Just because they are about the Amish does not mean they are reading material for young girls… you have to make sure it is a Christian one too as they are clean with no sex” or “colostrum is only given given to the rams for one day…,” or “if you haven’t read the Hardy  Boys lately, be careful there is some very adult stuff in them, ” or  “I have raised sheep for 40 years. You better get Laurie and Robin wormed immediately.”

How can it be that someone who has raised sheep for 40 years can be wrong so often?  And why are there so many people out there who have raised sheep for 40 years? It is perhaps a secret online society?

Has anyone raised sheep for 20 years? I’ve raised sheep for eighteen, but I see this doesn’t count for much. Maybe I should just say I’ve raised sheep for 40 years.

So, no, the sheep don’t need to be wormed, says the vet, and no, there is nothing wrong with Robin’s legs, and yes, I know some Amish sometimes shoot their horses when they are too old to work, and no, I am not giving Amish children books with graphic sex scenes in them.

And no, the books do not all need to have Christian themes. The Amish sons love the Hardy Boys, and no, the Hardy Boys are not dirty books either, and the parents do not disapprove of them.


That was just a few from the weekend.

Perhaps it was because it’s a Sunday when Mind Other People’s Business League (MOPL) celebrates their busy bodies instead of going to to pray.  I hope they appreciate our taking a few days off next weekend.

They may need a rest from me, and I need a rest from them. I don’t care to speak for Maria, but she does too.

Why is it, Maria and I both wonder, that so many people need to see animals as hurting and suffering, even when they are not?

I treasure mistakes because I love to take responsibility for them and learn from them, even when I didn’t make them. And I do make a lot.

These people are ego-builders. That is their gift to me.

Maria and I are very excited about going away for three nights and two days.

Sleep late. Listen to music, plow through books, read stories to one another, make love as often as possible and watch each other breathe deeply, calm down, live a plain life, and find tranquility.

It is always a treasure for us to be together; I am grateful for every minute and will return, hopping around like a lamb,  cute and full of life and promise.

She will be energized, look for some dazzling new art.

If I’m good, Maria will read me some Shirley Jackson stories in the giant tub in our spacious room. If I’m lucky, she will join me in the tub.

Lots of bubbles in the bath.


  1. I’m so happy for you both. I’m sorry there are so many virtual Nosey Parker’s in today’s world. I think it would be a better world if we all would live by the thumper doctrine – “if you can’t say anything nice- don’t say nothin at all”.
    I love your blog, and the websites for you and Maria. I appreciate that you share a glimpse into the world that is Bedlam Farm.
    I feel your frustration regarding the boot. I broke my ankle in two places on January 6th (a plate and 10 screws) and have been non weight bearing since. I am a widow and have to depend on my sister to take me to the doctor or the store. She lives 3 hours away so I appreciate any help she gives. I was happy your sister has so many friends. I’ve never been very good at making friends.
    Anyway, thank you for your work and for sharing. I love to read as well and am thrilled when people read a book I have recommended.
    I hope you have a lovely vacation.

  2. So you can go on your mini vacation in peace, thank you for your blog posts and especially the political ones; I like the way you break it down in pieces for me to understand & digest the various legislations going on all at once…then, I’m enjoying the posts of Robin and his mother and the Amish. How exciting you live close to these families that I have only read about or seen on TV. You and Maria enjoy your well deserved time away!

  3. Jon, I’ve been taking baths for 60 years and I just want to warn you and Maria that adding bubbles to the bath can be very dangerous. Number 1, they are very slippery and Number 2, they can cause UTI’s which can be very dangerous to older men such as yourself. Also, not a good idea to read in the bath. You could both inadvertently fall asleep and drown, leaving all your animals neglected, because likely you haven’t made any legal arrangements for them in the event of your deaths, which is something you really should look after. LOL Hope you’ve figured out by now I’m pulling your leg. The amount of “advice” you get in a given week is incredible. So many people with so much time on their hands. I hope you have a great getaway.

  4. God bless you Jon! I couldn’t withstand the haters that feel the need to comment on everything! Thrilled for you and Maria…..enjoy your getaway!

  5. Well Jon, thank goodness you have a thick skin when it comes to these critics. I so enjoy reading all that you write about..farm animals, which I confess I know so little of…such good lessons you impart. And frankly, I don’t know how you and Maria get so much packed into a day…looking after the farm animals, THE wake-up squad (aka the dogs), her art and your writing on top of normal stuff, like shopping and cooking, etc. Whew.

    And, speaking of writing, as many have commented, you articulate what a lot is us feel. And that is a comfort to so many. Especially recently re: President Joe & Co…I wasn’t a big fan, in fact I wanted a woman…but I think he is the right person at this particular moment in our country’s life. And he has gathered a terrific team around him. We are blessed.

    Thank you for forging on, in spite of the nonsense of those who think they know so much.

    Enjoy your mini-break..well deserved!

  6. Jon
    A person who takes too much advice can wind up doing nothing. Free advice is often what it’s worth. I have never raised sheep, and you’ll get no advice from me.

    Enjoy your time away.

    MYOB and just enjoy the interesting and insightful righting, writing, or rittting !
    Have a great vacation 🙂

  8. Jon — I have so appreciated your honest and vulnerable approach to life, especially this past challenging year. I hope you and Maria have a wonderful time this weekend. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and wisdom, Jon.

  9. Dear Mr. Katz and Dear Ms. Wulf,
    40 years ago I saw a drawing of a sheep, and he looked like yours so clearly you did everything right.
    We greatly look forward to the pictures and story of both of you plus all of the animals enjoying a nice slice of cherry pie and sharing your favorite inn and a Hardy Boy book.
    Today’s post was just beautiful and very needed. Food for thought and raiment for the spirits. It will be a bright thread of sustainment and wisdom in the future.

    Dear Ms. McBurney, your timely consumer warning has made the day. Hopefully you are ordering only organic bubbles. You can have them delivered to the door nowadays, and can even get them packed in bubble wrap.

    Blessings to everyone, Mary

  10. Jon, I’ve been reading your blog for 40 years and I really love your writing. Moreover, I just love to see some yenta start in on you about something or another. I think, “Oh goody, here it comes.” Your responses make my day. I especially love how you express your love for Maria. It’s very sweet. Have an awesome getaway. I’m already looking forward to hearing about it.

  11. I could just say “ditto!” to all who’ve commented so far, but, what’s the fun in that? But, yes, ditto!
    Within this past year, I’ve been blessed to stumble upon new writers to follow – you among them. Especially when the someones post the comments that have many of us shaking our heads/fists at them, you extend grace & kindness – how incredibly refreshing & soul-filling you have been & will be. Thank you!
    I hope the 2 of you soak up every nannosecond of enjoyment, away from everything! Bless you & thank you for being you.

  12. Jon, I am shocked you got through all those years without social media… How on earth did you do it? Not to mention how well you did it as an author…. etc.. Have a wonderful trip.

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