13 March

Waiting For Me

by Jon Katz

Sometimes Maria goes to bed before me – I love to stay up late writing – and Zinnia goes up with her to accompany her upstairs. Maria tells me that Zinnia then goes to sit or stand at the top of the stairs waiting for me, no longer how long it takes me to come up.

When I brush my teeth, check the thermostat, shut down my computer,  do the dishes, I go upstairs and there is always this striking silhouette at the top of the stairs.

Zinnia, waiting for me. She knows I’m coming. It speaks to me of the love dogs have for people.


  1. As a long time retired librarian I think the books pictured are great choices. I can remember parents asking me many times how can I encourage my child to read. My answer was let them read what they want to read. Comic books, graphic novels, books on bugs, anything and everything that holds their interest. Be patient and encouraging. Never ever sneer at someone’s choice of titles. Let them see YOU reading. Leave them to it. Eventually their reading tastes will grow more discerning and expand. Before you know it you will have raised a life time reading addict.

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