24 February

Above Freezing! Never Trust March

by Jon Katz

As I write this, it’s in the ’40s, the first time above freezing in weeks. We are not putting the shovels or the snowblowers away. I love April, but I don’t trust March.

March is the month that gets you when you are the most vulnerable, weary of the long winter, and thinking of Spring. The nastiest storms I remember up here have mostly come in March, along with plenty of cold and ice.

March is the Sucker punch month, it always hits us when we are tired and down. And it keeps biting right up until the

Still, Spring was in the air this morning, it was above freezing for the first time in a very long while, and the grounds are still icy and snow-covered.

Maria and I chipped away at some foot high ice packs but we felt like dancing.

My weather app says daytime temperatures will be in the 40’s all week and next.

We’ll take the warming,  but keep our winter coats on the hook.


  1. Good luck with your warm temperatures. I went to bed the other night with a foot of snow on the ground. Woke up to melted snow and 50 degrees. Spring is just around the corner.

  2. Here in VA, our winters aren’t nearly as harsh, but up until several years ago, I’d spent my life in California (southern and northern) and Phoenix AZ. It has definitely been a new experience to have real winter and now I understand that profound anticipation for spring!! Your snowy landscape is always a delight to see (from my vantage point).

  3. We are finally heading into warmer days with chilly nights here in Wisconsin. It seems a little early but a neighbor recently tapped his maple trees for sap to make syrup. March sure can be a tease.

  4. I love that, the sucker punch month! It’s so true!! Most of us who live where it snows know exactly what you mean. We don’t put the coats, boots or shovels away until April at least.

  5. Dear Jon and Maria, My dear mother had a great saying that has proven true all to often: “Winter doesn’t get serious until Ash Wednesday (when Lent begins).” So you are right about the month of March–it can be a doozey.
    S. Marguerite

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