1 February

Poem: Animals Know This World

by Jon Katz

(Photo: Fate, who is not allowed on my chair.)


“To Learn From Animal Being,” by John O’Donohue.


“Nearer to the earth’s heart,

Deeper within its silence.

Animals know this world

In a way we never will.


We who are ever

Distanced and distracted

By the parade of bright

Windows thought opens.


Stranged between time

Gone and time emerging,

we manage seldom

To be where we are;

Whereas they are always looking out

from the here and bow.


May we learn to return

And rest in the beauty

Of animal being,

Learn to lean low,

Leave our locked minds,

And with freed senses

Feel the earth

Breathing with us.”


  1. Thank you. One of my favorites!
    Stranged = Stranded
    Here and bow = Here and now

    And the final, evocative, stanzas:

    May we enter
    Into lightness of spirit,
    And slip frequently into
    The feel of the wild.

    Let the clear silence
    Of our animal being
    Cleanse our hearts
    Of corrosive words.

    May we learn to walk
    Upon the earth
    With all their confidence
    And clear-eyed stillness
    So that our minds
    Might be baptized
    In the name of the wind
    And the light and the rain.

  2. I hate to be one of those internet cat people stereotypes, but can you update on the barn cats? are they healthy? catching whatever it is their job for you to catch? they have a cozy place to hang out? etc…

    1. Sheila, no apologies necessary. I tend to rite about the animals when something interesting happens, and the barn cats are spending time in the basement this week, staying warm. You remind me to go and get a photo of them one of these days, and I will try to remember to do that.

  3. Love the poem and especially that picture. When the picture popped up I thought “Good for Fate! I didn’t think she was allowed on the chairs!” Then I saw your caption and laughed out loud. Y’all stay warm and safe in the snowstorm hitting the northeast now. Hugs and prayers for you and Maria and all the animals.

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