30 January

Still Life: Lenore, The Incense Dragon, The Singing Bowl

by Jon Katz

Suddenly, the fireplace mantle has taken on a spiritual dimension. Above it hands the beautiful portrait of Lenore, the Love Dog, painted by Woodstock Arist Ellie Steffens.

Underneath it, I put my new incense dragon, next to it is Maria’s new Singing Bowl from Tibet.

I love the juxtaposition. The Incense Dragon, which I love, has not found a permanent home yet, I think it’s heading for my office. Lenore and the Singing Bowl will stay on the mantle.


  1. When I saw that first post of your dragon, it brought back a memory from long ago. I still remember the first book I got from the library as a child back in the fifties. It was called The Popcorn Dragon. I vaguely recall it being about a dragon who loses his friends but then wins them back in a very ingenious way. For some reason that book stuck in my mind and was the beginning of a long love affair with the library. Thanks for the memory. I’ll bet your granddaughter Robin would enjoy that book if it’s still in print.

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