28 January

Video: Maria And I Talk About Her Birthday, And The Wolf Moon

by Jon Katz

Today was Maria’s birthday, and I think she loved the day. It started with asking her blog readers to join in her birthday celebration by contributing to her blog and acknowledging how hard she works, and for free.

She yelled at me, of course, but then thanked me. She felt all sorts of different ways about it; I thank you for joining it; a lot of you did. And you still can by going here.

You can also wish her a happy birthday by e-mail, [email protected].

We were talking after dinner – I made her lobster mean and light spetzal, and it seemed to me this conversation was saying a lot about us, so I picked up the Iphone and recorded a video.

I loved it; it’s us.

Birthdays are not especially important to either of us. Maria doesn’t like to be given presents, so I give her things a few days later, it somehow seems all right.

Come and sit in. I cherish our dinner talks, especially this one. We had both just come in from waiting for the full moon to rise before a crackling fire. A Wulf honoring the first Wolf Moon of the year. She even howled, although I didn’t see it.

It got too cold for me, so I came in to cook dinner.

(Above: Maria waiting for the Wolf Moon to come up.)


  1. That’s the first time I’ve seen Maria uncomfortable and apparently irritated with you. She didn’t seem her happy self especially it being her birthday. Strange.

    1. How odd. Maria was both relaxed and as happy as I have seen her. She is irritated with me about a dozen times each week and writes about it often. We are very happy together and she was especially happy on her birthday, as she wrote on her blog, she loved it and it was meaningful and wonderful for her. I’d be careful about projecting things onto other people. I guess we all see what we need to say, but Maria was very happy with the day, her presents, her fire, and her lobster meal. Me too.

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