Dogs have always been an integral part of my writing life, and Zinnia and I have fused when it comes to my writing.
The great dogs in my life have always marked a passage in my life, they have all grasped the centrality of writing for me and supported it with their warmth and presence.
Even the restless Rose, who had no use for anything but work, was silent when I sat at the computer, she watched to see when I was done and then raced to the door.
Zinnia seems to enter a state of absolute silence when I work, and I take this as support for my writing. She is a comfort to me.
When I write I usually have my rear left foot sticking out behind, a throwback to the time, I think, when I was always ready to flee the battleground that the dinner table was in my family.
Zinnia has tapped into this, when I am writing, she likes to lie her head on my protruding shoe.
I am reluctant to move it, as she is so comfortable, and I appreciate her presence. Writing can be a lonely business at times, dogs have always made a difference to writers, and Zinnia is now almost attacked to my foot.
Maria got a photo of this that I wanted to share. She even prefers lying on my foot to her fancy new dog bed. I’m flattered.
I love that you describe your foot as “rear left foot”, as if you were a four-legged creature. 🙂
I’m so happy to see a desk and room covered in books and paraphernalia, like your living room picture of Maria. Mine is like this too. The creative life is the best life and even better with dogs.
I love the fact that you refer to your foot in canine terms – as your “rear” left foot. So cute.