31 December

Zinnia Gets A New Bed

by Jon Katz

My office is the coldest room in the farmhouse and the farthest from the wood stoves. I had this idea that she might be cold, which is ridiculous for a big Yellow Lab, but still.

I think I was moved by Zinnia’s help getting me up when I fell the other night, and yes, I’m a mush.

I wanted to get her a New Year’s present and Christmas present combined.

There was a dog bed sale online, this one cost about $40 and it was big enough for her, and when I set up I called her onto the bed, got her to lie down and I rubbed her belly for a while.

That is all it took. She loves it.

She’s been in the bed all afternoon while I was working. She can spread out, rest her head on the outer rim, and the bed is soft and fluffy. I put it right behind my desk, where she likes to sleep.

She deserves it. And on a bitterly cold day, it will help keep her warm.


  1. Bless your good, good heart. I mean that sincerely. Betcha Zinnia might well be thinking the same thing.

  2. My last lab actually helped get me dressed one challenging night when I had thrown out my back & was immobilized by pain. She wasn’t formerly trained as a service dog but she was a great helper in many ways.

  3. That looks so soft and fluffy. No wonder she loves it. It’s so good to reward your dogs. Do the others get new beds, too?

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