31 December

Re-Thinking Bedlam Farm.com. Cancelling Your Subscriptions. It’s Now As Easy As Subscribing

by Jon Katz

Something new, important, and in my mind, overdue: A Cancel My Subscription link on the bottom of every single blog post that appears on this site. It is now literally as easy to cancel as it is to sign up, something that ought to be true on every subscription blog or a site in the blogosphere.

I can only imagine the number of people blogs and other sites making by making it hard to quit. I’ve wasted a goodly number of hours that way and a lot of money.

I don’t want people to quit subscribing, neither do I want to make them afraid of signing up.

I’m sorry it took me so long to do it. It’s always been simple to cancel a subscription to bedlamfarm.com; now it’s a kind of honor statement in my mind. I am proud to be one of the first blogs I know to make cancel links as prominent as subscription links.

In addition to the link at the bottom of the page, there is another cancellation prompt at the top of every voluntary contribution page, the “support the blog” button at the top of every blog post page:

You go right to your account and just hit the cancel button. You can subscribe at any time for any amount, and you can cancel anytime you want, as is fair.

About five years ago, I caved in to reality and decided I needed to get paid for my work. I don’t get a royalty or advance checks anymore; most of my income now is the blog. And that makes me very happy.

I’ve written 29,820 posts and offered thousands of photographs for free; I work hard at the blog, just about every single day of the year. It is my full-time job, along with the work of the Army Of Good.

It took me a long time to offer a subscription program – people have several inexpensive choices if they wish to support my work – $5 or $10 a month or $75 a year,  they can also pay nothing or send a single donation, but one thing has bugged me for a while.

It angers me when I subscribe to a website or page, and I have to jump through hoops to cancel my subscription.

I have a half dozen subscriptions I want to cancel, but it takes time and some enterprise.

This doesn’t seem right and seems to be a brutish way to repay people who have supported blogs, which is expensive to maintain. I owe people a subscription that is as easy to cancel as it is to sign up.

People open their own accounts to subscribe  –  I have no access to their money for their own protection, and their financial information is not stored anywhere on my blog – but some people forget where the buttons are. Now they are on every single post.

I don’t know the exact number of subscriptions – people can donate one time in any amount or subscribing using Paypal or major credit cards. I know it varies and fluctuates.

Some people have signed up for years, some subscribe and then cancel if money gets tight, some get pissed off when I write something they don’t like or won’t post photos of a dog they want to see daily.

I want to make canceling as easy as possible in the belief it is the right thing to do and also that it will make it safer for people to subscribe at all.

That is all good and fair, the blog is free to anyone who doesn’t want to subscribe or donate, and it will always remain that way. Many people have been loyal to me, and I will be loyal to them.

I have many loyal readers who don’t have much money right now; I’ll stick with them, period. I am grateful to those who can support the blog.

The people who support my work are important to me and essential to me, and I appreciate them. Thanks for staying with me, I love the blog, but I could not maintain it and take my photos without your help.

Oh, yes, you can support the blog by going here.  You can send one-time payments here.  You can sign up for a paid voluntary subscription here.  Or just read the blog for free by putting your e-mail into the free e-mail sign up subscription button; scroll down to the bottom of every Farm Journal Page.

And put in your e-mail address.

That’s easy too. And whatever you do, thanks.


  1. Good idea Jon, I just added info on my blog to make it easier to cancel a subscription. Like you I get frustrated if I can’t figure out how to cancel something online. Thank you for bringing this up.

  2. Great, honest idea Jon, not many think of their “clients”. Will take this opportunity to wish you and Maria a Happy New Year and the very best for 2021!

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