28 December

The Cows At Night, A Poem By Hayden Carruth

by Jon Katz

The Cows At Night, by Hayden Carruth

“The moon was like a full cup tonight, too heavy, and sank in the mist,

soon after dark, leaving for light, faint stars, and the silver leaves of milkweed beside the road, gleaming before my car.

Yet I like driving at night in summer and in Vermont: the brown road through the mist

of mountain-dark, among farms so quiet, and the roadside willows opening out where I saw

the cows. Always a shock to remember them there, those great breathings close in the dark.

I stopped and took my flashlight to the pasture fence.

They turned to me where they lay, sad,  

and beautiful faces in the dark and I counted them – forty near and far in the pasture

turning to me, sad and beautiful like girls very long ago who were innocent, and sad.

I switched off my light.

But I did not want to go, not yet, nor knew what to do if I should stay, for how

in that great darkness could I explain anything, anything at all. I stood by the fence, And then,

very gently, it began to rain.”



  1. Beautiful articleS beautiful poem bedlam farm it’s animals and people are part of my daily nutrition. Being one who has many animals I always say i have no favorites> same is true , I say of the bedlam gang , yet I always smile when I see this sheep beautiful face , but the the list just grows fate running around and around the sheep , bud in his entirety the truth is for me it warms the soul each (And all) specialness feels so “good” Bedlam farm is the farm of specialness animal & human and you share and project it thank you so much

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