22 December

Recovering With Dogs

by Jon Katz

I’ve got to rest for most of the day, an uncomfortable task for me. I’m healing from my surgery yesterday and I have two dogs to help me. Bud loves to curl up next to me in bed, and Zinnia is a fabulous therapy dog.

Fate doesn’t like to sit still long enough for comfort work. Bud will sleep in anybody’s lap.

Bud sat with me this morning, Zinnia will be taking over after lunch. Maria took this shot of his putting his paw on my arm. I don’t know what he is thinking, but he sure looks concerned.

I find dogs both healing and comforting when I’m laid up. Things are getting better and we’re still planning our two-day getaway tomorrow.

I underestimated the recovery, of course, but I can rest any place and I have some good books. I’ll list my choices this afternoon.

I’m winding down for Christmas – no news, no heavy lifting, no heavy thinking. I’m reaching into my inner self for some peace and quiet.

But I’ll still be blogging, of course, and wishing you all a meaningful and restful holiday. More later.


  1. So good that you have nurses at home to comfort you. Glad it went well. My brother heading to surgery today for insertion of a kidney stent.

  2. I love the picture. I continue to pray for a great recovery. Enjoy your days in Vermont. Have a blessed Christmas and New Year!

  3. Ahh, Nurse Bud! He just needs some little granny glasses perched on his nose. I read the other day that when a dog shows affection he puts his paw on you (ha! at least!).
    I hope you have a gentle recovery and a peaceful and merry Christmas and a fabulous New Year (we’re all looking forward to that)!

    1. Really – I have a wild-child dog and she does that sometimes – puts her paw on me and looks very seriously into my face. I should look back at her more and hang out with her awhile in that mode – and see what develops.

  4. Jon,

    This is the dearest, sweetest picture❤

    My brother had this same procedure after suffering for years. Never hear another peep from him about his bladder anymore! Please get better soon and enjoy a wonderful Christmas holiday!

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