21 December

Surgery: Success. My Bladder Got The Raise

by Jon Katz

My surgery was a complete success, I was told, and I will happily and gratefully take my good doctor’s word for it. I can’t say it feels like a success just yet, but I don’t really need to share those details.

I am deeply grateful to have had this surgery; like my heart repair, this procedure didn’t exist just a few years ago. I’ve had three hospital surgery/procedures in the unforgettable year of 2020, and all of them will improve my health and quality of life.

I am lucky beyond words, and I know it. A couple of uncomfortable days are a minimal and reasonable price to pay for my restoration.

I was all told that I was in the hospital for six hours; I have no idea how long my surgery lasted since I was asleep for all of it, and glad of that. I was wrong about one thing – I will not be exercising or going to the gym for a while.

Maria waited outside in the parking lot for all those hours, and I am sorry she had to do that but ever grateful for her presence. I’m not sure I could have gotten through this evening alone without her. In fact, let’s face it, I couldn’t have.

Dr. Ceppelo visited me before the procedure, and he ran through it all for me. It was left to the nurses to tell me what would follow, and I’m grateful for the warning.

He was kind enough to call Maria after the operation and tell her I had done beautifully and thank her for drawing a talking prostate on my blog yesterday. Several people mailed it to him.

I got the full treatment – operating room, anesthesia,  an hour or so of prep.

The anesthesia is wearing off, although I am a little fuzzy.  And very tired. And hurting in parts.

My bladder and prostate seem to be in shock, unsure how to behave and struggle to adjust to the pins and brackets in my prostate. My back is spasming a bit.

I’m struggling with it myself, although I’m told it will all settle down in three of four days. Tomorrow I’m staying in, and Wednesday, Maria and I are heading to Vermont for two days and Christmas Eve, returning on Friday morning.

As always, I’m not blogging while away; I need to give you and me both a rest. As grateful as I am, I hope this is the end of hospital visits for the foreseeable future. Each one has been a gift to me, and I know that.

But enough is enough.

Very few people on the earth benefit from the care I have received from skilled doctors and wonderful, caring, and supportive nurses. Whatever they are paid is not nearly enough.

They are heroes in every way.

At one point this afternoon – worried about Maria out in the parking lot and eager to get home – a nurse sat me down and told me to be quiet and still for an hour or so; I wasn’t going anywhere until they made sure I was all right, which meant filling a urinal up to some pre-determined point. I got there around 3 p.m.

We came home to a giant snowslide; about two tons of snow had slid off the roof and blocked the entrance to the farmhouse. I was not permitted to help and stood by while Tarzana shoved a path in just a couple of minutes.

I have no idea what I did to deserve Maria, but whatever it was,  was a blessing I will never take for granted. She’s keeping her eagle eye on me.

The bottom line is all good. The operation was a success, and I’m on the mend. I have three books to take to the inn; I plan on not moving much.


  1. Glad your surgery was a success. My doctor has recommended the same for me but, I’m still unsure. You blogging about it has given me new confidence to reconsider and, possibly, change my mind!
    Enjoy your holiday. We look forward to a better 2021.

    1. It’s a very successful procedure, B, my other doctors supported it and recommended it highly…you will be much more comfortable..

  2. Happy to hear it all went as planned. I was wondering how you made out. Rest up and a blessed holiday to you and Maria.

  3. Glad you surgery went well. Keep up the great service of sharing your medical procedures on the blog. They can ease folks concerns for similar procedures. Go gently and enjoy your time in Vermont. Blessings to you and all at Bedlam Farm.

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