21 December

Reaching For The Inner Life. Drink It In

by Jon Katz

You are not dead yet; it’s not too late

To open your depths by plunging into them

and drink in life

that reveals itself quietly there.

– Rainer Maria Rilke

I feel quite alive most of the time. Still, when I experience some diminishment or defeat or sadness – they can happen any time in life but are more frequent as I age – then I worry about the first death, the sense of giving up the spirit, the loss of hope dying before I am dead.

I reach inside, stay engaged with my soul. I turn to my inner life.

I need a place to go to restore my spirit, to get to the inner resources that have always sustained me all of my life. I suppose it is a sanctuary, a spiritual spa, a place of restoration.

Life can be wearing., even overwhelming. It can be glorious and beautiful.

Reaching inside of me is a silent, solitary, invisible process of reflection and renewal that helps me reclaim my strength, hope, and determination. It is all mine, a personal, individual place of healing and hope.

This is how I put my life in perspective, embrace the darkness and the light, rise above the regrets and fears that often come with life and age. When I go inward, I meet my angels and my demons, all of them nest there and wait for me.

Still, the inner life is a safe place for me, full of color and light. I take deep breaths of life there.

There, I ride the monsters down and seek out the better angels. This is a place that nourishes the power for good, and smothers evil and resignation.


  1. So glad to see someone else’s dog likes to detach the fringe from rugs. This post and photograph helped put my life (and home decor) in perspective! Thanks!

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