18 December

Asher And Zinnia: Princess Sweet Meets A Sweet Sheep

by Jon Katz

Two of the sweetest animals on Bedlam Farm. often meet at the pasture gate. It’s too cramped out there with all the snow to let Zinnia in, she is big and heavy and she spooks the sheep sometimes.

Not Asher, these two touch noses every chance they get, and I swear they are communicating and talking to one another. Zinnia has taken to scarf up frozen donkey manure lately, so we’re keeping her out of the pasture right now.

When I’m in the pasture, she stares longingly out through the pasture gate, obedient but clearly disappointed. Asher always comes over to comfort her and keep her company.

It seems fitting that the two sweetest animals at the farm would want to know one another. Zinnia often licks Asher on the nose through the fence.

If I could rename Zinnia (I won’t), I think I’d call her Princess Sweet. She is the sweetest creature I have ever had the pleasure to know.


  1. Good Morning Jon,
    Wow, I love this photo, it speaks fathoms on many levels. When I saw this , I thought ” now if a sheep and a dog can get along and kiss noses, why can’t humans do this? I can’t help but notice the difference in colors between the two either”. Great photo Jon! Could be a great postcard. Thanks for sharing!

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