17 December

Wow. The Most Snow We’ve Ever Had

by Jon Katz

We got walloped last night, it’s the most snow Maria and I have ever seen (that’s saying something); we’ll be digging ourselves out of this for days. The snow is up to my waist in some parts, my chest in others.

Bud couldn’t even get out the door; Zinnia was happy; she swam through the snow like a fish. Fate was game but started to shiver; she had to come inside.

Zinnia is a remarkable dog; absolutely nothing fazes her.

I’ve been out shoveling, but I need to be careful, as Maria keeps reminding me. This is a lot of snow. We got out to the barn and got hay for the donkeys and the sheep.

We’re launching a chicken rescue operation soon, digging a path to the roost. The animals are fine, sheep and donkeys are both desert and mountain animals, and they are dry and under shelter.

The drifts are too large for them to get out of the Pole Barn.

I’m going out shortly to try to dig out the cars; I can barely see them.

There are cars under those mounds somewhere. It’s still snowing heavily, with strong winds. The snow is supposed to taper off around 2 or 3 p.m.; we will probably get three or four more inches before then.

I know I need to be careful shoveling in this. I hate to watch Maria work hard and not help her. I have to be thoughtful about it.


  1. Wow, Jon! The weather gods were actually right for once. I’m glad you’re being cautious and listening to your inner self and Maria. As long as you and the animals are all safe, warm and dry, that is all that counts.
    They thought we might get included in the storm, but we were just on the fringes and luckily only got a couple of inches and some wind here, just a couple of miles west of the city of Toronto.

  2. Easy on your ticker Jon, old age besets all of us. It was snowing where we live in Va. I guess it is preparation for our move to Burlington at the end of the month.
    Stay well

  3. Love once in a lifetime events like this. Hope it stays warm enough for all of the critters! Take care and Happy Holiday wishes to everyone up there.

  4. John,
    Please don’t take this the wrong way, but you should not be shoveling at all! I know you don’t have a death wish so please STOP! You are such an intelligent person, I can’t believe you would even consider trying to clean the cars off.
    No one wants to lose you so please…NO SHOVELING ever again!
    Barbara, RN

    1. Barbara, thanks for your concern, but it is misplaced. My cardiologist is delighted that I am shoveling snow, it’s very good for my heart at this time. She asks that I take frequent breaks and stop when I feel any discomfort or numbing, etc. You are not right in thinking heart patients should never shovel snow under any circumstances. We are all different, need to care for our hearts in different ways. Heart patients should not be discouraged to exercise in ways that help the heart – this is just another form of cardio rehab — I just need to be careful and thoughtful, which I am.

  5. My father was reared in Hamburg, a suburb of Buffalo, NY, in the 1930’s. He would tell us “tall tales” about shoveling snow that was above his head–about 5’8″ as a young boy. Growing up in Texas, we kids thought he was just making it all up. Since then, I’ve finally understood “lake effect” snow. It looks like y’all are getting hit hard even without “lake effect.” Hang in there and take it easy. Your weather report on my cell phone calls for more snow next week, so you will get plenty of exercise.

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