17 December

Fate. When Photo Mistakes Turn Out

by Jon Katz

I dropped my new Iphone 12 Pro on concrete yesterday, and a plastic shield I put over the lens cracked – the camera and the actual lens were not hurt in any way.

Later, when I came downstairs at 4 am. to see what the storm was doing, I saw Fate – she prefers to sleep downstairs, it’s closer to the sheep – sitting by the woodstove fire.

I saw her in the chair, and we both listened to the wind shrieking outside and the sound of the snow blowing into the windows. The photo turned out to be cloudy, but then I realized that the light from the lamp captured some of her mystery and individuality.

Like her human, there is no other like her. I switched the photo to black and white, and it worked. Sometimes mistakes guide us to good places. A new lens shield is on the way.


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