16 December

A Georgia Beagle Might Just Be Changing American History. It’s About Time

by Jon Katz

A Georgia beagle may be the secret weapon that undoes Trumpism and some of his most rabid followers and gives Democrats control of the United States Senate.

If Rev. Raphael, Warnock the Democratic candidate in one of George’s two Senate runoff elections, wins, he might have his dog to thank. Dogs always show up when we need them.

His two dog ads, both featuring a cuddly and nameless beagle, have drawn millions of views and will be taught in political ad schools for generations.

So far, Warnock has aired two ads featuring his dog. He first uses the dog to preempt a tsunami of nasty and often false Republican campaigns trying to paint him as an ideological extremist and tie him to extremist black activists.

Rev. Warnock is as much of a crazed radical socialist as Joe Biden. This may be the year a dog takes down the Big Lie.

Rev. Warnock is the pastor of Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church, Martin Luther King’s Church.  In the second ad, the dog plays an even more prominent role with Warnock walking him through a suburban neighborhood, poop bag in hand, while condemning Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s “smear ads” against him.

“I think Georgians will see her ads for what they are – don’t you?” he asks, just before throwing his poop bag into the garbage. What a polite way to tell someone they are full of it.

The beagle (no name is given for the dog) barks in support and licks Rev. Warnock’s face. A-w-w-w-w-w-w!, as the dog lovers say.

I don’t know if the dog deserves all the credit, but since the ads, Rev. Warnock has moved out in front of his opponent in almost all of the polls. That is a big surprise; the Republicans are in full panic.

A dog might be rewriting history and showing us how much more dogs can accomplish than senators and congress members.

It’s a cute ad, but it is also a brilliant ad. The two spots have gone viral, generating almost nine million views, while Warnock’s dog tweets have drawn over half a million likes on Twitter. The Warnock campaign is even selling  “Puppies for Warnock” merchandise.

Political professionals claim the ads are not just about being cute; they are a savvy way to neutralize racial stereotypes that could work against  Warnock as he campaigns to become Georgia’s first African American senator.

I think Warnock has a good chance to win in Georgia. There seems to be a lot of momentum and energy behind his campaign.

Like Biden, he doesn’t really ever take the bait, not seriously. He is a much loved and very even-tempered man with a gentle manner. A longtime pastor in a historic church, the dangerous radical label doesn’t fit him any more than it fit Biden.

And it’s certainly true if you think about it. Politicians cuddling beagles don’t seem dangerous.

Hakeem Jefferson, a Stanford professor, and a FiveThirtyEight contributor, reported that “This ad is doing a lot. It’s obviously] cute, but it is also meant to deracialize Warnock with this cute ‘white people-friendly’ doggy.” Fordham University political scientist and MSNBC contributor Christina Greer similarly wrote on Twitter, “This ad will be taught in Race Politics classes for years to come…it is doing A LOT of silent, heavy lifting.” And The New York Times’s Jamelle Bouie concurred: “Yep. The setting, Warnock’s outfit, even the dog breed all are sending a specific message.”

Dog politics, like racial politics, are complex.

According to Pew Research, there are more than twice as many white dog owners than African- American dog owners in America. Blacks have a troubled history with dogs, dating back to slavery and the civil rights demonstrations; in both cases, dogs were used against them.

The breed of Warnock’s dog is also significant, helping to counteract negative racial stereotypes of dog ownership.

When University of California Irvine researchers asked people which dog breeds they thought white and Black people were more likely to own, the majority guessed that Black people owned rottweilers and pit bulls. In contrast, white people owned golden retrievers, collies, Labradors, and Dalmatians.

While Beagles weren’t mentioned in that study, the breed fits comfortably alongside the popular and very “safe” breeds associated with white people.

In a race where Republicans are eager to tie Warnock to Black radicalism, that’s important. This is a Southern state where white voters are still overwhelmingly Republican. And beagles are great hunting dogs, also important in the South.

The boldness and savvy of the ad are compelling. It’s true; you don’t associate a cuddly beagle with someone who would be plotting to destroy America with his radical left leanings.

If the Warnock campaign thinks much about it, they might also point out that Baptist Ministers cannot be Marxists and Communities. Those ideologies are completely at odds with the teaching and values of the Baptist Faith.

A Baptist is a member of a  fundamentalist group of Protestant Christians who share the basic beliefs of most Protestants but who insist that only believers should be baptized and that it should be done by immersion rather than by the sprinkling or pouring of water.

Although Baptists do not comprise a single church or denominational structure, most adhere to a congregational form of church government.  Some Baptists lay stress upon having no human founder, no human authority, and no human creed.

Those beliefs are utterly incompatible with Communism or Marxism and have no relationship to Black Lives Matter or any political extremists. Since fundamentalist Christians worship Jesus and Marxism doesn’t, the campaign against Warnock makes little sense, although that doesn’t seem to matter much in American politics this year.

Rev. Warnock’s dog may soon be important, even a famous one. He just might be changing the course of American history. It’s about time a dog stepped in to save us; humans have made a mess of things.

I suppose it was only a matter of time.




  1. Yes, I enjoyed the ad the FIRST 1,000 TIMES that it aired. There are often 4, 5 or 6 political ads back to back here in Georgia so it’s getting really old. Fortunately, we only tend to watch sports and news live. There has to be a point at which seeing the same ads hundreds of times is counterproductive. It’s especially annoying since we sent our mail in ballots weeks ago so as far as we’re concerned the election is over. Please Lord let it be over.

  2. Brilliant ad, great column. And, even more ironic, Trump hates pets. Politics aside, a Trump supporter once asked me, in a surprising civil conversation, why I did not vote for him. Easy, I replied, he’s never had a pet and he does not know how to eat steak.
    I totally agree with that last line…..and let’s hope that beagle is a bitch.

  3. jon, I would never have had this brought to my attention but for you. It is priceless. An extremely clever ad pointing out the dog poop Trumpism has spread in people’s lives….and the opposing candidate I hope has politely been put into her place running a smear campaign. Have you noticed this week, Cuomo’s name came up as a possible part of the new administration? Did you notice just how long it took for a woman to come out and accuse Cuomo of sexual abuse. Now, please don’t take me for someone who doesn’t support women’s role in today’s life of sexual abuse, for I admire women who come forth and disclose. I’ve had personal experience with this in my own family. However, why did this particular woman wait until Cuomo’s announcement to bring this to the public’s attention. I have trouble hearing the timing of this. It’s as though people who step into places of responsibility and thus, some power, have to be taken down, salacious ‘dirt’ has to be found and dumped upon them. Is this the way of the world now? Attack anyone who rises above, bring them down.
    Sandy Proudfoot

    1. Robert, I can’t say I’m surprised that you don’t know this, but someone should explain to you that Communism and Baptism are not compatible. Communists are atheists, they don’t believe in Jesus Christ. Baptists are fundamentalists and communism is absolutely incompatible with baptism. Rev. Warnock has been a Baptist pastor for decades. The charge would be funny if weak-minded people like you didn’t blindly accept it. All you have to do is go to Google. It takes less time than it takes you to make an ass of yourself writing dishonest things online.

  4. Jon, thankyou so much for the enlightenment. I do not watch television, have not owned one for at least fifteen years! This advertisement sounds like pure genius! And we certainly need some good news at the end of this wild and woolly year!

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