Robin and I have begun a weekly Facetime contest we call “The Ugly Face Battle,” even though this seems to be a contest I could not possibly win.
I am holding my own, and we are having fun. Robin called to say that two of the four snails I bought for her have died, two are doing well.
The same is fierce but simple. We make ugly faces at each other until one or the other surrenders, shouting and begging for mercy. So far, it’s 3 to one, Robin in the lead.
The loser has to buy the winner some dark chocolate in the shape of a rabbit. I snatched an I phone photo at the height of the battle today.
My Father’s Father, my Grandfather called me every day I can remember. There was no Facetime, no Zoom, no Skype. As I walked into the house from school, the phone would be ringing and my Grandfather would have stopped his day (he was a lawyer) to call and just ask me how my day went. My Father died when I was 9 months old. My Grandfather did what he could to let me know how much he loved me.