31 October

Parable: The Jew With Three Crosses

by Jon Katz

Life is full of crisis and wonder, and I find myself a person born a Jew turned Quaker and wearing three different crosses on one necklace, each with a different meaning for me.

First, I should say I am a lifelong admirer of Jesus Christ, although I am not a Christian, and I worship his beliefs as much or more as him. I notice that so many “Christians” evoke his name but seem to know nothing about him.

I know a lot about him but don’t worship him as a God. Life is loaded with ironies.

I find it if I can keep organized religion and other people’s dogma out of things, I can get to the good stuff more easily. If Jesus were alive today, a lot of hypocrites would be on fire.

The cross on the left is a replica of the crosses worn in Roman times.

The long one in the middle has an authentic ancient Hebrew coin embedded and was sent to me from Jerusalem by my good friend Eve Marko. The one on the right is an old replica of crosses worn in medieval days.

These crosses ground me, they inspire me to be good, and I believe they bring good energy to me and the world outside of my life. I just like wearing them, it feels good, and maybe it even does some good.

Once in a while, I rub them and touch them when I need to remember to be humble and that I am small and lucky and know so very little about the mysteries of the world.


  1. What a great line to quote and share – “If Jesus were alive today, a lot of hypocrites would be on fire.” Thank you for that and your always thoughtful posts.

  2. Should you ever run out of reading material or have extra time on your hands (I highly doubt it!), there is a book written by a Vietnamese monk, a renowned Zen master, and a peace activist. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize by Martin Luther King and is the author of numerous books. His book, Living Buddha, Living Christ is a wonderful comparative piece of these two historic figures and their teachings. I think you would like it.

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