30 October

Video: Meet Phloe (“P”). We Helped Him. He Made A Commercial

by Jon Katz


You might remember him as “P.”

I didn’t have permission to use his full name last week.

His real name is Phloe and he came to school one day a couple of weeks ago and was coughing so the school nurse at Bishop Maginn High School in Albany sent him home last week with instructions that he be tested for COVID-19, as the state requires.

He wasn’t sure where to go, his family wasn’t either and they sent him to a private medical urgent care facility which charged almost $200 for the test.

They wouldn’t give him the results until he paid. (They didn’t know then that they could be tested for free at several sites in Albany, this happens often to the refugee families).

When the family paid for the test, they lost their food money for the month. The family was in a panic and asked the school for help. The school asked the Army Of Good if we could help. I mentioned it on the blog and the money we needed came rushing in.

We paid for the test and for food for now and some months ahead.

This week, Phloe came back and was in his Public Speaking Class. His assignment was to make a commercial.

Phloe, a refugee from Southeast Asia,  chose to make one about Bishop Maginn High School and how much he loved the school, the teachers, and his friends.

He spent much of his life in a refugee camp.

Sue Silverstein was thoughtful enough to send it to me tonight, and I am happy to share this with you.  We were lucky enough to be there when we were needed, a gift to us as well as Phloe and his family. You might want a tissue when you hear this video.

Thanks to Sue and to all of the good people with big hearts. There are a lot of you out there, don’t let the news suggest otherwise.

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