20 September

The Lonely Geranium. Love Works.

by Jon Katz

Maria found a lonely and dying geranium plant in the rear of the garden. A huge Dahlia flower and plant was blocking the sun and strangling the roots.

She dug it out of the garden carefully and knew it likes sun and cold temperatures. She looked all over the farmhouse for a good spot and decided that the bedroom window was a perfect home and put it there, where I discovered it this morning.

She rarely tells me when she is doing these things, she likes me to discover it for myself.

There is strong sunlight in the morning and the room is never too warm.

This brave little plant spoke to me and I took a photo of it in our new home. Maria is teaching me to love and respect life, not just human life. I learned this lesson with my dogs and donkeys and am now also learning to apply it to all kinds of life.

When we save a plant, we are saying something about love and compassion. And if anything gets us through this time, it will be our ability to love one another and respect each other.

Easier said than done. But the geranium is a symbol for me, and so is Maria’s great heart and love of life. I talked to the geranium, as she does, and blew it a kiss. I’ll greet it every morning during this time.

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