20 September

Louis Update: Parvo, A Close Call

by Jon Katz

Scott rushed his puppy Louis to the Northway Emergency Animal Clinic last night, and within a minute, they diagnose Louis as having parvo, a highly contagious and dangerous virus that can affect all dogs, but unvaccinated dogs and puppies younger than four months (Louis) are the most at risk.

The virus is spread by dog-to-dog contact and contact with contaminated feces, environments, or people. There is another Sheepadoodle( older dog) on the premises, and he has not been vaccinated for parvo we found out this morning.

He may have picked it up, but had a healthier immune system than a puppy.

Louis has begun his shots, but they hadn’t gotten to the parvo vaccine yet.

The clinic did a wonderful job of getting fluids and nourishment into Louis, who hadn’t eaten or taken water for days. Scott got him there just in time, and the vet at the clinic is hopeful of Louis coming home in a couple of days if he improves.

Last night he only had one short vomiting episode, which is an improvement. I’m not a vet, but the vet seemed optimistic and will call Scott throughout the day.

I read this morning that 90 percent of the dogs who get this awful virus recover if they get proper help. Louis is getting proper help and then some. I believed the clinic saved Louis’s life, that and Scott’s attentive and strong response.

I know a procedure like this is expensive, but Scott has not asked for financial assistance, and it’s not for me to raise the issue. If it comes up, I will relay the request and figure out how to help. Several readers have kindly offered to help raise money for Scott and Louis.

I’m not there yet. If he asks for help, I’ll try to help. I know he’s getting a whopping bill.

Money is a sensitive issue in a friendship and I am careful not to make assumptions or intrude beyond what I am asked to do. I’ve learned the importance of boundaries too many times for forget the lesson.

Stay tuned.



  1. Ohhhh thank god they know what it is… parvo is a nasty virus… my dog had it several years ago… and recovered after staying at the vet for one night (dehydration)
    Take care!!!

  2. So glad he caught it early. I had a feeling that was what it was. Kept my comments to myself though.. Good luck Louis and Scott. Thank you for the update Jon.

  3. Jon, you are such a good friend. I was glad to see Scott mentioned in your blog again but am sorry to hear about his pup catching Parvo. Many hands make light work and many wallets lighten an unexpected bill. 🙂 I would be happy to contribute if Scott is willing to accept. Fingers crossed that everything works out for Louis.

  4. Thank you so much for the update! It’s a good reminder of how important and truly miraculous vaccines are and also protecting new pups. I didn’t take our pup for a walk anywhere but our yard until she had had most of her vaccines at about 12 weeks. She didn’t much time “out” with me carrying her so she could be socialized .

  5. Parvo is a nasty virus and I am so happy to hear Louis is in good hands. Thank you for the update, I was hoping it would be good news! I would also gladly contribute towards payment of expenses incurred, if Scott asks for, or would welcome some help
    Susan M

  6. With the info you included, I was able to call the vet hospital and make a donation to help a bit, for Louis treatment. Thank you for including that info. Sure hope the little guy recovers fully.

    1. Antoinette, thanks for your generosity, but I would prefer people not do that unless Scott requests it. If he does, I will post information on how much he needs and how to transmit it. The vets office doesn’t need to be handling that. It is very nice of you, but the most helpful thing would be to wait.

  7. Thank you so much for this update. I was so concerned and prayed so hard for this puppy last night when I read your post. Just now getting on computer, but was looking for a good update. Thank God, He cares about our animals too. Thank you Jesus. And thanks again Jon, for letting us know.

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