20 September

Helping A Country Church: My First “Cow Plop”

by Jon Katz

This morning, and for the first time in my life, I signed up to join a “Cow Plop” to benefit the Immaculate Conception Church in Hoosick Falls, N.Y.

Mary Haynes, who also works at Jean’s Place and who taught me how to properly order an egg cheese sandwich, and her daughters, were out in front of the restaurant today.

I owe Mary big time.

For those of you who don’t know what a “Cow Plop” is, I’ll explain. On  Sunday, October 11,  (broadcast live on Facebook, a cow will be released into a pasture marked off into 500 slots “or deeds.”

The cow will, as cows do, go to one of the deeds to poop, and the winner of that deed will get $1,000. This is right up my alley, and a wonderful cause for the blog.

Because of the pandemic, the church members are having trouble reaching large numbers of people.

I volunteered the blog to help, it’s a curious case for the Army of Good, but it sure appealed to me.  And it is the sort of odd but meaningful thing we do from time to time.

I bought a deed for $20. This is the way the resourceful people of the country do it during a pandemic.

Nothing stops them, they keep going. I highly recommend this project, it’s for a good cause and it’s a wonderful piece of the country. Everyone but me seems to have heard of them.

You can follow the event – Carla The Cow Is Covid-cleared for the event (she is Amelia in the above photo – live on Facebook.

If you wish to buy a deed, you can call any one of these three numbers: Margaret Merwin at 518 588-6898; Mary Haynes at 518 852 9710; or Pat Hayes at 518 203 8888.

All proceeds to benefit the church. These are tricky times for a “Cow Plop” event as there are no ways to reach large numbers of people in the era of social distancing.

(Note:  the church is not able to accept credit card payments for deeds. Checks may be made payable to Immaculate Conception Church and mailed to 67 Main St, Hoosick Falls, NY 12090.)

I love it when the blog helps out on things like this, small acts of great kindness. Hope some of you can help.


  1. I’ve never heard of a cow plop but in Wisconsin we have a cow chip throwing contest. And in case you’re wondering, they only use dry ones. Who’d ever guess the lowly cow poop could be used as a financial incentive. Good luck with your “plop”! ?

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