16 September

Zinnia’s Riding With Me Again

by Jon Katz

Until today, Zinnia hasn’t ridden in my care much for a couple of months. I got the car in the Spring and wanted it to stay fresh for a while. Also, it was a very hot summer, and I didn’t want her in the car on most days.

This week, she’s back in the car, riding with me, and I am happy to be riding with her again. She’s a great car dog, she’s very quiet. Once in a while, she nuzzles my neck from the back seat.

Otherwise, I don’t hear from you. When it’s cool enough, I lower the back window and she can stick her head out and smell the flowers. People wave to her and come over to the car to ask if they can pet her when we stop.

I took her with me to Manchester, Vt. this afternoon to pick up some lobster and crab cakes. I’m cooking a special dinner tonight in honor of Maria’s great success in selling all of her yarn and roving in less than a week.

Tonight is a belly dancing night for Maria, so it will be a late dinner.  She comes home around 8 p.m. and collapses around 9:30, so I have to be ready. Tomorrow morning, I resume my hill walking, Cardiac Rehab on Friday. I’m trying to rest today, but I’m not good at it.

Bike riding is forbidden until a couple of weeks after surgery.

I might take a walk in the woods or just meditate. The lobster looks amazing, fresh, big chunks.

Earlier today, I brought some gift cards over to some Mansion aides. I hope it helps.

It’s nice to have Zinnia hanging out with me. She is a wonderful companion. Ours is a mostly wordless relationship, like Red. But the connection is very strong.


  1. Is Zinnia allowed to ride shotgun or is she relegated to the back seat? I would think she’d prefer to sit next to you. Just wondering. ?

    1. Backseat..I don’t need her riding next to me, the backseat is safer for both of us..she’s a big dog and if she jumps my way, it would be big trouble…

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