16 September

Lobster Tails. Did I Rest This Morning?

by Jon Katz

Okay, it’s been an intense week or so. Doctor’s visits, blood tests, cardiac rehab, political writing, blogging, photographing, walking up hills, more writing and blogging, intervening.

I had a very physical day yesterday, hike up a big hill, rehab on some challenging machines. I blogged this morning, did some chores, and Maria suggested (strongly) that I take the morning off.

I said it was a good idea. But then I reminded myself that I don’t know how to take the morning off, I have never done it, surely not on a workday.

Maria went off to her studio, cautioning me to rest, read and maybe even nap. I sat down on my chair, Bud in my lap, and I read one Chapter of Carl Hiassen’s great new book Squeeze Me.

Then I got a message from a Mansion aide having health problems, she needs gift cards to feed her family.

I have the cards and will bring them to her, she is getting a brain scan this week, she has two kids.

I also had an idea for writing a piece on the blog. I also went out to take a photo of the donkeys at the gate, one of my favorite photos.

Maria called me from her studio. “Are you resting today?” she asked. Sure thing, I said.

I then called a seafood place in Manchester, Vt. and asked if they had any frozen lobster tails, I wanted to surprise Maria for selling all of her yarn in less than a week. It’s Belly Dancing night for her.

They said they had a package, it cost $52. Gulp, I’m doing to pick it up now. When I get home I’ll get back to the computer and do some writing.

Did I take the morning off, I wonder? I’m really not sure. I think so. I decided to write about resting.

But I’m done resting, I’m sure about that. On orders from Sue at Cardiac Rehab, no exercising today. Give the leg muscles a break, the muscles thank her.

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