8 September

In Loving Hands. Tyler And Co. The Bike Chronicles

by Jon Katz

I see that my bicycle shop is about community, not just the selling of bikes. Trek Bicycle of Saratoga Springs either hires the nicest and most helpful people or it trains them better than the Army.

I suspect it’s the former. I’ve had a rough time with this new e-bike, emotionally and physically. It’s been a long time since I rode a bike, and I am a different person in many ways.

I am sometimes ashamed of this struggle, but the people who work there never make me feel foolish, I get the feeling they’ve seen it before.

I am truly astonished at how frightening and disturbing this has been for me, it has opened up some of the darkest corners of my complex psyche.

If not for Tyler and the crew at Saratoga Trek, I would have abandoned this adventure, it has often seemed too much for me, including last Thursday when I had a spill that banged up my knee and my new and expensive e-bike.

I’ve called Tyler and Saratoga Trek several times, and I am surprised at how helpful and patient and supportive they have been.

This morning I called Tyler up and said I needed to start from the beginning, I wanted to bring my bike to Saratoga and repair the broken mirror and bent kickstand from the spill and also talk to him about what I might be doing wrong.

I had a good size panic attack on the way – this just amazes me – and thought my car was broken and wouldn’t go into reverse. I called Maria and she told me I should come home and offered to come and be with me.

I said no, I wasn’t 10 years old, I needed to face this, whatever it was and I collected myself and went to Saratoga to meet with Tyler. I used to have the most awful panic attacks, but not in years.

I’m still trying to understand it.

When I came into the store,  the staff came out to meet me, encourage me, and to swarm over my book and polish it up and fix me. I wish they could do that to me.

In a way, they did. Tyler suggested changing the bike pedals again, he showed me how to use the battery booster in a different way, he showed me how he would start the bike.

He made sure the chains on the bike were tight and moving well. One of the staff brought me a band to put around my pants leg.

They all laughed when I told them about the spill, and once said they would give me a ribbon for each fall, like soldiers get for bravery in battle.

We both agreed the store’s parking lot wasn’t a good place for me to ride. I plan to do that tomorrow or Thursday back home on a quiet country road near the farm.

Maria will come in her car, I’ll drive the bike in mine. She’ll stick with me until I get started and then leave me to keep trying until I get it going.

I want to be careful and not get hurt before my next surgery in two or three weeks. I very much appreciate Tyler and the people at Saratoga Trek.

They are courteous without being obsequious, sensitive without being intrusive, and genuinely eager for me to help.

I feel like I’ve stumbled into a new community that makes me feel safe and hopeful that I will get through this.

I realize that I love being around young people with passion, they remind me of the joy of being alive, and the wonder of caring about things. As I get older, I sometimes feel that younger people no longer see me, they just look through me.

These people see me.



  1. Thanks for encouraging me to buy an ebike. Mine arrived today and I’m in love. It got here in time to enjoy it before bad weather really comes. So much fun! I haven’t ridden a bike in many years but went right out and rode for a few hours. Had an absolute blast. You will soon get the hang of it I’m sure, and you will love it. Definitely a game changer!

  2. Jon, you’ve got this…your bike time is now. I just discovered the joy of riding my bike again. My mountain bike, which has never been on a mountain or trail, is 25 years old. Before the pandemic, it had been 20 years since my last ride. I’m riding with my two grandkids and my wife around the neighborhood and have even gone around our 10 mile lake trail a couple of days on the weekends I now have 70 miles of lake trail (paved) and I’m loving every minute of it. That part is by myself and so relaxing. A couple of times I’ve gone faster than I should and have come close to failing/crashing. Im working with Trek Bike in Oklahoma City to get a new upgraded model. Everyone in the biking community has been so nice and welcoming. I’m 61, you’ve got this and are an inspiration to many of us.

  3. My husband worked for Trek bicycles for many years. It was his dream job and he got bikes for many levels of riders throughout the years. It is a wonderful community and you are in good hands, including your own!

  4. Bike people are awesome…so supportive…and everyone falls! Watch out for sand, potholes and grass clippings and you will be fine. You are an inspiration!! I have never even heard of an e-bike till you started writing about it and I am intrigued…it sounds like fun to have a little extra help when you need it. I love riding…and you have inspired me to get back out there.

  5. I found it surprising to read your last few lines – that you, as a white male, sometimes feel unseen. This happens to women all the time – I am 65 and sometimes feel completely invisible. I hate that.

    1. I think it happens to everybody…being a white man is not a life in paradise, we have the same problems most have, we just have too much power, but that is changing..

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