7 September

Video: Throwing For Zinnia And Fate In The Wind

by Jon Katz


It’s a gorgeous, windy, sunny Labor Day at Bedlam Farm. I had been out throwing the ball for Zinnia, and she was tired. Maria came out to throw a ball for Fate.

So we jumped in so I could take a video.

Fate is build to run around sheep, Zinnia is built to retrieve. Usually, but not always, Fate gets the ball before Zinnia. Fate never tires of running, like most border collies.

Fate has a lean body with little wind resistance and long and muscular hind legs like a rabbit. It is fascinating to see the dogs run together. Zinnia surprises me with her speed and endurance, but I’ve never had a dog who can run as fast as Fate.

Zinnia s built to plow through water and marsh to bring back ducks. I didn’t want to push it anymore today.

But she loves to run, and even when Fate beats her to the ball, she has fun. Fate is out running around sheep right now, Zinnia asleep in my study. Tale of two great dogs.

The video, I thought, was especially beautiful in the wind.

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