6 September

Fall Light

by Jon Katz

Yesterday, walking in the woods, I saw and felt Fall light for the first time this year. Our woods are magical, mystical, silent, they envelop us in their beautiful grip. Afternoon light in Autumn is some of the best light.

We’re off to Vermont to pick up Maria’s yarn (pictures this afternoon), hopefully will be back for another walk in the woods.


  1. I live south of you but I felt it too this weekend. Reminds me of an Emily D. Poem. “There’s a certain slant of light”.

  2. Jon, you, like most Americans, seem to use the wrong for fall light. In oriental medicine, there are four seasons: Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Autumn, and Winder.

    We are now in Late summer, not Fall. This is the time of year when we get the yellow crops, it’s still quite warm, but not diving down to the colder temperatures of Fall. Fall is when we really notice those dives eventually down to freezing. An excellent song for Late Summer is George Gershwin’s “Summertime.”

  3. Oops, I didn’t check what I had written in my previous message and seem not to be able to go back to it to make changes. Here are the changes: In the first sentence, there should be the word (word) after “wrong.’ In the second sentence, it should read “there are five seasons…”

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