5 September

This Weekend: Bedlam Farm Yarn!

by Jon Katz

Time for one of our favorite Bedlam Farm rituals. Sunday, Maria and I will get up early and head to the Vermont Knitting Mill to pick up the newest batch of Bedlam Farm yarn and skeins.

We love going up there, the yarn and wool has become a beloved ritual on the farm, we collect it twice a year and Maria chooses her colors. This affirms our love of having sheep and a farm.

We clean the wool and drive it up there, and in a few months, we go and get it.

We’ll be home early Sunday afternoon and both of us will put some photos up. If you want to get on the buying list, e-mail Maria at [email protected]. It should go on sale Monday and Tuesday on Maria’s Etsy page.

She’ll set the price when she sees the yarn.


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