29 August


by Jon Katz

There are all sorts of photographic rules for composition, but I don’t follow them. I follow my eye. The animals did their own great composition in this photo, the flowers hanging down, Minnie in Maria’s Fiber Chari, the two hens waiting imperiously for something – anything – to eat.

This photo had some dignity and character to me. It says so much about our farm.


  1. Before I read your comment I saw the picture and said to myself “I really love that picture–so much the see in it (more than just visually).

  2. As a friend once told me about photography composition when I suggested anyone could take photos, he said “you have to know where to stand”l

  3. A lovely picture. The colors are so subtle. I don’t often imagine, having been raised on a farm, that cats and chickens can co-exist peacefully. But your photos show that they do. Also, those chickens look like they can take care of themselves!

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