29 August

At Home In My Skin: The Life Of The Spirit

by Jon Katz

The aim of all spiritual paths writes Parker Palmer, no matter their origin or the rigors of their practice, is to help us live more fully in the lives we are given.

I think of it this way: anything that blocks or removes what grows between my heart and the day is spiritual.

It might be while I marvel at the wonderful woman sharing my bed; it might be seeing a barn swallow teach her babies to fly, it might be the smell of coffee in the morning or the groans of a hospital roommate that reminds me to be humble and thankful, it might be my dogs running joyously through the pasture,  it might be a small act of kindness to a refugee child or elderly man in assisted care.

It might be doing good.

This is, to me, the life of the spirit. What I seek and have sought all of my life is to be at home in my own skin.

The life of the spirit is everywhere, in the dark waiting for the light, in music, in the wind rustling the trees, in the countless sensations of the day waiting to be felt.

Being spiritual is much more practical, and immediate and accessible than I ever imagined. Every day I inch closer to myself, every day there are obstacles, every day someone tells me who I am, or tries.

I am learning that for me a spiritual life doesn’t have to be about a God, or being a saint, or being perfect,  it is about becoming more and more at home in my own skin.

Every day.


  1. Thank you, Jon, for this. I like thinking about spirituality being “practical and immediately accessible” rather than a I-must-meditate-for-years kinda thing that seems completely unattainable. This feels better, softer, more connected to daily life.

  2. This photo conveys such a sense of peace and spirituality, sort of a brief personal retreat with dog companions.
    Last Sept. I gave myself the ‘gift’ of a personal retreat with the Sisters of Providence who have a large campus/retreat center in SW Indiana. I stayed in a small cottage by the lake. Every morning was filled with bird song. I drove up to the campus for a couple of meals and to walk around. They raise prize-winning alpacas, got to meet and feed some and just commune with them. The whole week was a delight for my tired soul. I think this photo is a message about how important it is to ‘retreat’ and take care of that part of our being.

  3. I live in Northern California, in the eye of the current wildfire storms. So fire is all around us, to the north, east, and south, but we not under imminent threat. Last week while driving on Adobe Road I saw John Sears and his mules grazing on the shoulder. They had recently been evacuated from Cloverdale, and were heading back out. For the past 30 years, “3 Mules” have lived a nomadic life, walking up and down the length of California. They have friends and acquaintances all over the state who enjoy seeing them pass through. I have found John to be a very sharp and pragmatic individual. He is rigorously ethical. Although he has achieved a following online at 3mules.com and Facebook, he is very clear about his policies on “fundraising.” (He doesn’t do it, except in very rare circumstances, and cautions against anyone who claims to be raising money for the mules. The last fundraiser for the Mules sought $200 to pay for the release of his equines, who were impounded by a local police department that didn’t like where they were walking.) When I talked to John on this visit we touched on our shared concerns for the state of the natural world. He said people need to work on their spiritual energy. That’s what he is trying to do, and that is what guides him on his travels. Just thought I would share this from the west coast, as I find any encounter I have with John reminds me of the very same things you have written about in this blog post.

  4. YES, the Spirit, is within you and me, Jon. I very much relate to your thoughts of “being at home in your skin”. Thank you for these thoughts!!

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