28 August

SOS: Help The Mansion Residents: New Wish List

by Jon Katz


There is a new, short, urgent,  and inexpensive Amazon Mansion Morale Wish List up, the residents really need support.

They have been under lockdown since March and a plan to permit visitors has just failed. The staff is frantic looking for ways to cheer them up. They are even preparing a night parade – I’m searching the Internet for costumes.

The morale of the Mansion residents is crashing, say the aides and the staff. They’ve asked me and the Army Of Good to help.

The Mansion tried to launch a visitors program but one of the potential visitors tested positive before they got to see anyone.

None of the residents have the virus. They are just going stir-crazy.

The program was canceled and the Mansion is under quarantine for 28 days. This was a real blow for the residents who are forbidden from taking their daily walks, going on outings, and seeing their friends and loved ones.

I’ve sent games and light show and costumes for the aides (we’re planning some night light shows), but we want to supply some new activities – even getting ready for Christmas, streamers, bounce balls and paddle ball sets – nine items ranging in price from $6.99 to a $32 Tie-Die Kit (plus T-shirts).

The Mansion has also approved my dropping Zinnia off for 30 minutes most mornings so they can see her. The residents were very excited.

The new Mansion list is not extensive or expensive, and it will make an enormous difference to the residents, who really need something fresh and stimulating to do and look forward to. Please help if you can.

If you don’t like to shop online, you can send a contribution to me via Paypal, [email protected] or by check Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. I’ll be glad to buy items for the list.

My Mansion fund is under $2,000 now.

We have met this challenge every time our help is requested, and I hope we can do it again during this most difficult time for these isolated and good people. Thanks. You can see and purchase the Morale Amazon Wish List here.

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