21 August

Mansion SOS: Morale Is Low. I Want To Help.

by Jon Katz

I got an SOSĀ  from aides and staff at the Mansion, the Medicaid assisted care facility where I volunteer with Zinnia and the Army of Good.

The residents have been without visitors since March, and there are no outings or walks beyond the property. Morale is dropping, residents and aides, and I’d like to help.

The first thing I did was order a Wonder Woman Costume and a crown and cape (the aides want to wear it outside the Mansion windows as a surprise). Those items cost $1110.

I took the liberty of ordering a laser outdoor garden light show a/la Disney, sort of, and some extra colors for about $1o7 altogether. They can put on a light show outside each night before bed.

I also ordered a soothing and meditate ocean wave night light with ocean and nature signs, a neat thing for the residents to do at night, or even during the day. It cost $18. This could fill in for our interrupted weekly meditation studies.

I’d like to resume weekly catered lunches from Jean’s Place (the Mansion Fund was getting low, so I’m only doing it when I can, once or twice a month.). They were a huge morale booster for the aides and the residents, a break from institutional food.

The lunches cost $260 each w/fresh baked pies and muffins.

I’ve suggested that the Mansion staff also prepare a new Amazon Mansion Wist of any games or lights or special things that might brighten the place up. I’m trying to get state permission for Zinnia to go in there without me.

They’ll get back to me next week on the wish list.

The Mansion tried to open up to family visitors last week, but there was one false/positive test and so the opening has to be postponed for 28 days.

This long period of isolation is the very worst thing (next to getting sick) for the residents, it is also wearing down the staff. We have worked hard to connect these good people to the outside world, and being cut off from it is profoundly discouraging.

I feel I can really help with some support from the Army Of Good, the Mansion Fund is just about $1,000 now and I want to keep some money in reserve for emergencies or warm clothes in colder weather.

If you can contribute, this would be a good time: via Paypal, it’s [email protected], and by check, Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

We’ve done so well at boosting morale, but it is a tough time inside the Mansion now, lonely and draining. We’ve lifted their spirits many times, we can do it again.



  1. Please refresh my memory of the email and physical addresses for sending notes and/or cards? Maybe we could send postcards depicting the areas of the world from which we are sending positive thoughts?

  2. That is great ?idea ? Sue! I think that I will work on something this weekend. Just got some pictures developed that I took.

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