20 August

Still Life: Barn Window

by Jon Katz

Real barns are not like Vermont postcard barns, real barns are ratty, stuffed with tools, ladders, the secret province of barn cats, spiders, mice, rats (our barn cats picked off all the rats) swallows, and moles.

I always imagine a lot of partying goes on in there at night. I love taking photos of our red barn, it tells so many stories, is so full of life. I love the way the spiders spin their webs, and the way the webs stand out in the light.

A photographer once told me that everything can be a beautiful photo. It isn’t about what the camera sees, it’s about what the photographer sees.


  1. Thanks for this. Our old barn looks much the same, and I love knowing it has been around for over 200 years. I am captivated by the sight of watching the bats take off out of there at sunset, though not keen on the guano in the upper portion of the barn where they sleep… Great pic.

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